

Grambling, USA



INFRASCAPE aims to attract students, educators, and visitors alike through a strong visual identity and expressive geometries, symbolizing progress and innovation and connecting to the surrounding academic life. The installation is envisioned to act as a spatial public node, an inspiring, engaging, positive focal point designed to be part of an active, progressive, nurturing academic environment, announcing the research and knowledge committed to in the building. Ideally it is viewed from for multiple vantage points, providing alternate levels of seeing, sensing, and perceiving. The 3d printed facade offers varying mesh densities that symbolize campus networks and dynamics. Data triggered by the motion sensors is translated into interconnected processing nodes which animate a dynamic LED light display integrated into the facade installation. In return, through intensity and color the animation draws students to the new library, making it a node and activation point on campus day and night. Ultimately the project is geared towards empowering students and educators to the pursuit of academic excellence and professional proficiency by visualizing the strength and complexity of the research and expertise accomplished and by creating new connections between the campus and its occupants.

Keywords:Public, Art, Installation, Material Practices, Innovative Interior Design