Columbus, USA
City of Columbus
City of Columbus
Inner-city sites primarily used for parking lots and adjacent urban vacancy are causing in a lot of US cities a lack of social activity. As future development on these sites will not occur within the next few years, temporary urban strategies serve well to address the scarcity of social appropriation and identity. To allow for sustainability, a toolkit is suggested that consists of different implementations ranging from ephemeral activities to more permanent material investments. LadyLines consists out of 4 layers that enhance the existing local conditions and reconfigure the surface parking as an asset.
Marking the Site: Starting at Main Street and extending to Lincoln Street, the project suggests a surface graphic that will mark the site along Lady Street and will serve as a way finding element.
Activation through Events: As a second strategy, the project advocates for the organization of local events on adjacent primarily underutilized parking lots on weekends and evenings.
3D Playscape: A scaffold structure serves as a framework for a 3D playground that offers action for everyone. Come and lounge, bounce, swing, climb, paint, listen to music, enjoy the view, or take a cool shower on a hot summer day.
Mobile Wall: A mobile wall serves as street furniture and storage for urban games to support a diversity of activities on multiple sites: play, party, project, and perch.
3D Playscape and the mobile wall and parklets are fabricated out of Alucabond - a lightweight weather-resistant facade material. Further material includes foam, fur, fabric, wood, and steel pipes. Street graphic and furniture pieces use a bright version of Columbia’s logo color as an iconic identifier. The collaboration with local stakeholders and the integration of assets is critical for the placemaking strategy. The project should be phased and the budget could be tripled through a grant of the National Endowment of the Arts.